Thank You, Amanda Loves Words

The wonderful Amanda over at Amanda Loves Words has made her holiday reading suggestions and "Fairwil" is on the list! Hooray! So nice. Hot cheeks. This is great and I am grateful.

And I'm absolutely wild about the word "heartsqueezing" -- so Fair Finley-esque.

(P.S. If you haven't gotten your "Fairwil" yet, I'm your lady: Drop me a line at


1. Fairwil

Happy and sad days are here! The ARCs are out for Alysia Gray Painter's final installment of the super fantastic and wonderful books set at the corner of Wilshire and Fairfax in sunny Los Angeles. This is feel-good fiction at it's best, y'all. Funny, sweet, sassy, whimsical, heartwarming, heartsqueezing, romantic, friendly....just fantastic. Buy the first three ebooks and gobble them up. They're only $1.99! The perfect stocking stuffer! Or post-shopping reward.

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