One of the world's great monoliths is in the news, courtesy of the amazing sheer-wall climb just completed by Kevin Jorgeson and Tommy Caldwell.
I've loved on this place before at Wilfair HQ: El Capitan.
It's a giant GIANT enormous hunk of silvery-black granite in Yosemite National Park. In the fictional universe, it isn't all that far from The Redwoodian, the hotel that the Wilfair people retreat to in book #2.
Is it possible to obsessed with a rock? I'm obsessed with a few rocks -- hello Morro Rock, hello golden boulders of Joshua Tree National Park -- but I find once I start thinking of El Capitan, it gets up in my heart and mind for a few days. Do you have places like that?
I'm here to say, in case you've never seen it in person, that the media is not over-hyping it: It is truly epic. The scale is almost not to be believed, El Cap's beauty is unparalleled, and it is an important, mind-calming, dream-inspiring destination for many Californians (and people beyond our state's borders).
If a friend were to tell me that she wanted to change up her life, and needed a few days to think about how that might happen, I'd advise her to go sit in a meadow and look upon this granite wonder. Yep: I'm in its thrall.
El Capitan Love