Reader Rachel Visits Wilshire & Fairfax!

Friends, the reader LA visits continue, and I'm a bit behind on posting.

Next up: Rachel from Colorado! We visited the Los Angeles County Museum of Art together, where we saw a fascinating shogun exhibit, and the Harry Potter store that's near The Wilfair's corner (Rachel even bought a mystery bag full of magical goodies).

Of course we snapped a photo at Wilshire and Fairfax. We donned our Fair Finley-style evening gloves on a chilly late morning. Stylin'.

Yep, the automotive museum behind us is going through big changes. You'll see its full transformation in the next reader photo, which is a few weeks away! I love that these corner photos have documented not only my happy meet-ups with readers, in person, but all of the random changes on the corner, too.

You can, in fact, see the museum changing over time in the background of the Wilfair reader photos. I love a building that's serving as a clock of sorts, for this project!

Rachel and I, by the by, also called upon a real building visited by The Wilfair friends in "Fairwil" -- The Gaylord. The Koreatown landmark is the home to Clementine Hwang. No limos were out front when we were there, and no Fossy or Kaeguri or Gomery or Monty or Clementine or Sutton or Fair, but I'm going to guess they just left. Darn.

Reader field trips, even off the main corner, are such a gas. Thanks for visiting, Rachel!

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